Saturday, October 1, 2011

Brick - Neo-Noir detective film starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Brick (2005) – The first film on this blog that you wont need subtitles to watch, is Brick. Brick, in this case, is a reference to 'bricks' of heroin, large amounts, packaged for the dealer to break up and sell. This movie has a bad guy, called 'Pin,' as in kingpin, that is chauffeured around in a full size van, where he sits in a chair, next to an end table, with a lamp. He has a lamp in his van, and it's on a table. Come on, style alone warrants a viewing. This is a modern take on the film noir genre, or "neo-noir," set in high school in the mid 2000's. Brick was made for something in the area of $500k. That's nothing for a movie these days, and it manages to not only be effective, but get a 79% on RottenTomatoes, and a 7.5 on IMDB. It has some of the snappiest dialog in recent memory, and one of the funniest fight scenes in a long long time. It's a movie you can watch back to back and still enjoy it the second time. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is great here, surprising all of us who only knew him as the kid on that horrible TV show. The kid can act, that's for sure. You can expect to find more of his movies on this blog as time goes on.

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